About Me

Wow, this is a chance to talk about me. I do have a lot to tell and hopefully, over time, this blog will fill with stories. The following is a video that was created as a presentation at a staff meeting for Northside ISD Technology Services (where I work). I was asked by the Assistant Superintendent to share a bit about my personal history, background, and special interests in five to seven minutes. What an opportunity— large, captive audience. Joyce, the director of my department (Academic Technology) requested that I create the presentation in Photo Story so that we could showcase this new tool to all of Technology Services folks. The presentation was given December 8, 2006, at the Northside Learning Center. I prefaced the video by showing a photo of my grandson Andrew. Here’s the video—

Family History from John Hayes on Vimeo.

Why Vapor Trail?My thoughts have become a vapor trail. That is why it is important that I get down my memories before they fade into nothingness. A few years ago I came across a class photo (Lincoln Elementary School, 1961). I was eleven years old. I could only recognize one person besides myself and that frightened me a bit. That is why my blog is called Vapor Trail.Class 1961I recognize Mike Moser, bottom row, 4th from left. We were friends through grade school and played on the same little league teams. He was left handed and was a better player than me. I am in the back row, 2nd from left. I can recall nobody else. And I have no idea why I can remember Mike Moser?