
Alaska Motorcycle Trip 1999

The idea of riding a motorcycle to Alaska came about in conversation with a good friend. I was living in Peru at the time, probably around 1993, and was planning on buying a motorcycle when visiting home for the winter (Peruvian) break, which would be most of the month of July. My plan was to pay cash for the bike, get licensed, then take off to explore. My friend had described his motorcycle trip through Europe and Egypt (he was teaching at the American School of Cairo at the time). He planted the seed of adventure and somehow that became a planned trip to Alaska.

Upon arriving in Lincoln, Nebraska, I purchased a Honda 750 Night Hawk. I set out for Kansas, Utah, Canyonlands, Nevada, and the Grand Canyon. My first bike trip was around 4000 miles. Five years later, and after numerous other bike trips, I set out from San Antonio for Alaska.

  1. To the West Coast
  2. The West Coast
  3. Canada
  4. Alaska
  5. Return through Canada
  6. Home Stretch
  7. The Gravelboys
  8. Four Musings