AT 2009-into Pennsylvania

Section 6, Appalachian Trail

from: Thornton Gap, VA, 931.8 miles from Springer

to: Boiling Springs, PA, 1,111.6 miles from Springer

July 1, 2009 to July 14, 2009

Section 6 miles: 179.8

Selected photos for AT 2009

Here are the facts re the 6th leg of this journey—

West Virginia 11
John Brown’s Fort, on the AT in West Virginia, July 7, 2009.

I left San Antonio in the early morning (7:00 AM, July 1) and arrived at Dulles around 12:45. My shuttle driver dropped me at Thornton Gap around 3:00. There was a light rain falling but with the adrenaline rush I marched up the first climb. I did more than 8 miles that first afternoon before setting up camp at Elkwallow Wayside. This was an actual wayside with an operating grill on Skyline drive but it was a couple of hours after closing and I left in the early morning. I also set my tent up well to the back of the parking area on a strip of grass. I felt like I had gotten off to a great start as I have never hiked on the first day the previous 5 sections.

July 1-Thornton Gap to Elkwallow Wayside
931.8 miles from Springer
8.6 miles

Shenandoah National Park 4
Near Hogback Mountain, on the AT in Shenandoah National Park. July 2, 2009.

July 2-Elkwallow Wayside to Shenendoah National Park Boundary at Compton Gap Trail
15.2 miles

July 3-Shenendoah National Park Boundary to Manassas Gap Shelter
970.3 miles
14.7 miles

July 4-Manassas Gap Shelter to Rod Hollow Shelter
983.2 miles
12.9 miles

July 5-Rod Hollow Shelter to Bears Den Hostel
9.9 miles

July 6-Bears Den Hostel to David Lesser Memorial Shelter
10.2 miles

July 7-David Lesser Memorial Shelter to Ed Garvey Shelter
15.6 miles

July 8-Ed Garvey Shelter to Pine Knob Shelter
16.6 miles

July 9-Pine Knob Shelter to Junction with High Rock Trail
14.9 miles

July 10-Junction with High Rock Trail to Rocky Mtn Shelters
18 miles

Washington Monument, on the AT in Maryland, July 8, 2009.
Washington Monument, on the AT in Maryland, July 8, 2009.

July 11-Rocky Mtn Shelters to Birch Run Shelter
13 miles

July 12-Birch Run Shelter to Pine Grove Furnace State Park
9.9 miles

July 13-Pine Grove Furnace State Park to James Fry Shelter
7.2 miles

July 14-James Fry Shelter to Boiling Springs
12.2 miles

Total milage for the 6th leg = 179.8.

This has been, by far, my most successful leg. This is the first leg where I hiked with a goal in mind (Boiling Springs) and I knew I needed to get at least 7 miles the first day and then 13+ miles for each day after. When I thought I was getting behind (July 5 and 6) I banked miles and when I reached Pine Grove Furnace State Park I had to slow down or I would have arrived in Boiling Springs a day early.

Positives? There were several milestones I reached on this leg. First, I finally crossed into West Virginia after hiking in Virginia for 4 years. I thought it was never going to end. The border sign for West Virginia was a welcome sight. Next milestone was the 1000 mile marker somewhere during July 6 just prior to Bears Den Rocks. The next milestone was Harper’s Ferry and the beauty of the walk into this community. And the final milestone was reaching the midmark of the trail at Pine Grove Furnace State Park around the 1085 mark.

Negatives? Not many. At Pine Grove Furnace State Park I stayed at the Ironmasters Hostel which was a huge error. It cost $27 for the privelege of staying in their dirty squalor. I am so sorry that I did that but it is my fault alone. The hostel has no value, even if they only charged $2. But, I was on cruise control at this time and tried to shrug it off but it still bugs me to get ripped by them. I should know better.

Trail Magic? On July 9, just prior to reaching Pine Knob shelter I detoured to the Dogpatch Tavern, about 1.7 miles off the trail. This was well worth it as I was making excellent time through Maryland and this gave me an opportunity to pig out. At the tavern I had two cheeseburgers, fries, and a couple of cold Bud Lights. I have to admit that American food is fantastic. Another magic moment occurred the next day when I reached Caledonia State Park and found a huge Arts & Crafts fair in progress. They had a large food tent where I purchased cold drinks, fresh cut fries and sausage sandwiches. Absolutely heavenly food and provided energy for the day.

Notable Hikers I encountered—Home Slice, Frankenfoot, Boffo, JayCats, Where’s My Glasses?, Laser among others.

From Boiling Springs the shuttle driver dropped me at Dulles (July 15). I was home by 11:00 PM and at work the following morning.