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Video 11 was recorded in June 1993 and was made for a very good friend of mine—Dean Thompson. Dean taught Life Science (7th grade) next door to my classroom at Colegio Roosevelt. His wife JoAnne worked in the counseling office. Both were from Utah (like me!) Both these folks were very adventuresome and involved in the school and the community for the 3 years they were in Lima (1990-1992). Below is a photo I took when I visited them after they returned to their home in Roy, Utah.

Dean and JoAnne
July 17, 1993, Roy, Utah.

The purpose of the video was to have different faculty members tell a bad joke. Dean had a reputation for telling jokes and this was just a way to show how fond we were of him and JoAnne. Before the jokes there is a video clip of Dean clowning around with his sophomore biology class.

[00:01:06] Dean clowning around in class.

[00:06:50] Bad jokes.

Here is a sample joke from the video as told by special ed teacher Annie Goodwin—

And that’s all their is on the 11th tape!

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