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AT 2015 Trip Report Ready

Vivian and I summited Katahdin, July 14, 2:27 PM, a date and time etched in my memory forever. The next day Vivian returned to San Antonio while Hedy and I flew into Omaha, rented a car, and drove into Lincoln to celebrate the occasion with my mother.

Appalachian Trail 2015
Lincoln, Nebraska: GravelBoy and Mom toast to the completion of the Appalachian Trail.

We arrived in the wee hours Thursday morning, July 16. I was back to work on Monday, July 20. I mention all of this because it takes quite a while to make a trip report and even longer to gather photos, cull them, tweak them and then upload them.

But I finally have things ready to go.

Trip report at

Selected photos

A note on the photos—there are quite a few photos of gravel roads, logging roads, signs. You might ask “why include these?” My response—these are location photos. They allowed Vivian and myself to know exactly where on the map we were. I have tagged the photos with the map name so anybody searching for “Long Pond Road” on the Appalachian Trail in Maine should get a photo of it. Believe it or not, these photos provided a sense of comfort, knowing exactly where we were.