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Family History Update 2

[update on Carousel  2 and 3]

A few notes about Carousel 2 digitized slides (97)—

  • Slides 1—30 are about my Mom and Dad’s visit to Honduras (June and July 1977). There are shots of the house Cheryl and I lived in, Playa Coca Cola, Puerto Cortez, the environs of San Pedro Sula, pictures of our empleada Doris and her daughter who lived with us, and a couple of pictures of Sombra. Regrettably there are no pictures of the Escuela Internacional Sampedrana (EIS) where I had just recently completed my first year as a teacher. I went online to see if the school has a website and they do. However, it is a new school constructed in a different location so I can only assume that the EIS I taught at for 3 years (Aug 24, 1976 to June 2, 1978 and began my final third year Aug 28, 1979) no longer exists. I was unable to find any historical information at the school’s current site. I really regret not having any photos of the school or staff members.
Home in Honduras
Our home in Honduras.


Mother with Doris' daughter Maria.
Mom and Maria, the daughter of our housekeeper. July 1977.
  • Slides 31—50 include a number of  miscellaneous photos and photos about a framily trip to Mobridge, South Dakota in July, 1960. Here is a photo of Marilyn feeding a lamb at Ruth and Reinies farm (July 1960).
Marilyn Hayes and Mavis Paul taking care of the lambs. July, 1960.
  • There is a group photo of my Mom, Dad, Cheryl and myself. The photo is outside my parent’s Denver house, Dec. 1974. This photo comes with a bit of a story. Cheryl and I had returned from Europe and stayed with my parents for the Christmas holidays. Since we arrived in Denver with about $30 we both got short term jobs. Cheryl worked at a parking lot photo booth while I had a temp job with the IRS in downtown Denver. I subsequently was hired by the Pinkerton’s as a guard at the Billings Conoco Refinery that was currently on strike. Cheryl made her way to Salt Lake City and found an apartment. Denver was our landing spot and got us on our feet for what lay ahead of us.
Mom, Dad, Cheryl, John
Mom, Dad, Cheryl, Me. Outside my parent’s Denver home, Dec 1974.
  • The remainder of the carousel is composed of miscellaneous photos of little consequence and about 20 scenic photos. My father liked taking photos of nature and sunsets and was quite good at it.
scenic landscape
Unknown date and location of this beautiful shot.

A few notes about Carousel 3 digitized slides (100)—

  • Slides 1—19  document our road trip (summer 1958) from Great Falls to Disneyland in Anaheim. We traveled down the Oregon coast, through the Redwood Forest and San Francisco. It was the first time For Marilyn, Bob and me to see the ocean. It was wonderful!
John and Marilyn on beach at Oregon
John and Marilyn at Oregon Beach. First time to see the ocean! Summer 1958.


Bob at Oregon Beach
Bob at Oregon Beach, Summer 1958.


  • Slides 20—49 showcase our time in Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm. We headquartered at a motel in Anaheim. When we weren’t at Disneyland we were swimming in the motel’s pool. It was a ton of fun!
Bob and Dad at Knott’s Berry Farm, Summer 1958.


Mom and Marilyn at Disneyland.
Mom and Marilyn at Disneyland. Summer 1958
  • Slides 59—77 are slides from our family vacation to Lindberg Lake in the Flathead National Forest, Montana. Summer 1959. Marilyn and I agree that this family vacation might have been our best one.
Mom at Lindberg Lake
Mom at Lindberg Lake, Summer 1959.


Marilyn at Lindberg Lake.
Twelve year old Marilyn and her horse Scratches exploring Lindberg Lake. Summer 1959.
  • Slides 78—93 Seattle World’s Fair,  Summer 1962. My father planned this trip for more than a year. He placed a large glass jar on top of our refrigerator in our kitchen to collect spare change to help with the upcoming expenses. I worked the winter shoveling snow and made 7 silver dollars for the upcoming adventure. We were all very excited about this road trip to Seattle. Inexplicably, very few slides and none of them have family in them, just pictures of the space needle and seascapes.
Space Needle
Space Needle, Seattle World’s Fair. July 1962.
  • Slides 94-100 My parents took a road trip “back East” in June, 1970. My father had relatives in Illinois, where he was born and family members in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Evidently they made a special side trip to visit the Lincoln Home National Historic Site in Springfield, Ill. They took a photo of the home where Lincoln lived from 1844 to 1861. They also took a few photos at Lincoln’s burial site. Unfortunately all the photos are a bit blurry.


And that concludes my update for carousel 2 and 3. Only 10 more to go!

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